Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dust & Ash

I just googled photos of the red dust storm that is blinding Sydney, Australia. I know this dust storm is wreaking havoc on health and daily life, but some of the photos are truly lovely. The eerie glow of the outback sand makes for some stunning sights, and serves as a reminder that the climate is changing, and nature knows no boundaries.

While I live many thousands of miles and a whole ocean away from the shores of Sydney, here in Oregon we are getting covered in not dust, but ash. Quinn and Logan were hoping that it was ash from an exploded volcano and were a little bummed to learn that the source --a forest fire--was not so dramatic. A fire is burning about 70 miles east of us, and the high-pressure system that is gracing the Pacific Northwest with unseasonably high temps is also blowing all that ash our way. My lungs are burning and that long run I had planned today will have to wait, but the smoke-filled sky has made for some spectacular lighting. Last night glowed. Every object was luminescent and the salmon-colored sunset that smeared the sky was beautiful. I felt as if I walked into some color-saturated movie it was so otherworldly. I would have stayed outside longer, but inhaling ash for hours on end finally took its toll. It's hard to say how many days this will continue. I'm trying to turn a negative into a positive and even though my half-marathon training is on hold, I'm enjoying the heat and the sunsets that we get to enjoy thanks to that smoke and ash.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Grill, baby, grill!

Grill, baby, grill!
Originally uploaded by Tamara Irminger
...In the beginning...I guess I suffered through years of Sunday school so that I could appreciate our new Weber GENESIS gas grill. I am embarrassed to even admit the honky grill we've been using/not using for the last ten years. We've been eyeing the Genesis grill all summer, but neither Jim nor I could bring ourselves to making the $800 purchase. Sure there are cheaper grills out there, but we buy items for the long-haul and we knew after comparative shopping that the Genesis is the model that would last the longest with minimal replacement/repair costs down the road. We thought we'd wait until the end of summer when many retailers discount their grills. We kept waiting, and waiting and finally asked a sales clerk why we weren't seeing those sale signs. She told us that Weber doesn't allow retailers to discount their items so as not to undercut those retailers (aka the mom and pops) who can't compete with national chains. We were happy to hear that, but not so happy to learn that we'd waited all summer for nothing. Then....Jim was in our favorite home store, Jerry's, when he noticed that a certain color of the Genesis was marked down $100. Wha??!! He was told that the bronze color was being discontinued, hence the price reduction. Yahoo, baby. Even better was the fact that we purchased a floor model, so the grill was already assembled and ready for use that very night. We celebrated by grilling more meat than we've ever before consumed and made it all the better by adding our very own garden veggies and potatoes. Yummy!

First day of School!

Quinn & Logan
Originally uploaded by Tamara Irminger
That forceful gust of wind you felt on Wednesday? That was me exhaling. As much as I love the frivolity of summer, I am always happy to welcome the structure of the school year. Although we are busier, our schedules seem easier to manage because of their consistency and predictability. I'm still swimming with all there is to do to get ready for the school year, but having done this long enough I know that by early October we will all settle in and will be humming along like a well-oiled machine.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to School

Back to School
Originally uploaded by Tamara Irminger
Our back-to-school shopping took place last night and consisted of four pair of Converse. While I love the looks of Converse, I do wonder if they provide any support for Q & L's feet. They'd probably get more support by strapping squirrels to their feet, but oh well. The boys are happy and really, how can we complain when their needs are so easily met. Seventh grade, here they come!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Last night when Jim and I were on a run I asked him if it is true that Quinn and Logan are really turning 13 on their next birthday, because I just can't wrap my head around that concept. Sure, I can count higher than 12, but when it relates to my children somehow 13 does not want to follow 12. Not that I have a better number in mind, but 13? 13! Mind you, their birthdays don't happen until next May, but they are growing and changing so quickly right now and I just don't want to think about them getting any older or bigger. I am not keeping pace with them now, so how am I going to manage when the hormones and growth spurts really kick in? They have already stretched out 3/4 of an inch in less than two months and I swear every morning they look taller than the night before. Thinking about 13, I immediately start to downward spiral and my mind jumps from 13 to moving out of the house. There is no in between in my mind. It is simply 13 and then gone. My little loaves of love are little no more and if I could stop the clock, I would because they are still the yummiest, sweetest, funniest, perceptive and loving boys I know and I just want to revel in all their silken goodness before they sprout facial hair and want to spend all their time with friends and at ballet.