I apologize in advance to all future roommates and partners of Q & L. Please know that Jim and I do actually make an effort to get the boychicks to clean their room, but as you can see, this is a battle that all too often we'd rather not fight. I try to tell myself that they'll eventually learn organization and tidiness, just like my sister finally did. She, too, was a total slob (sorry Jo, but it's true) and she eventually came around. Maybe it's genetic. Or maybe this is totally normal for twin 11 year olds who share a room and a love of legos --those pesky little plastic pieces that hurt like hell when they embed in the soft part of your foot. As long as they excel in academics and their extracurricular pursuits, we don't harp on them too much for a disastrous room. It's important not to lose sight of what really matters...
hey, did you forget the timer? how much room can you clean up in 7 minutes and 49 seconds? it worked for us while we were there with them...it was a hoot to watch.
guess who
I'm so glad the Internet was not around when I was that age. I'm equally glad M&D will probably never master "The Scanner" for those old pics. Tell the boys I'm so proud and to keep it up as long as they can. Also, Tell L that I wore my shirt inside-out the other day, just for him.
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