Friday, October 2, 2009

Found it, then almost lost it

Last night was an open house at the boys' school. It was a night to spend 10 minutes with each teacher and learn about what the classes are like, etc. I walked away feeling somewhat depressed at how our children are educated in this country. There are up to 40 kids in each class and the teachers range from burnt-out to excellent. This warrants a much longer, well-thought out post, but I will save that for later. 
As I wrote yesterday, Quinn lost his jacket after ONE day. He had no recollection of where it might be, but Jim and I had a hunch that it was left at school. Sure enough. We checked the lost and found while at the open house and there was Quinn's jacket, safe and sound. (Thank you to whomever turned it in.) 
We brought the jacket home. Quinn was happy. Quinn wore his jacket to school today.  Quinn left his jacket behind in his first class. I couldn't believe it. 
I was there helping clean and the child walks right out of the classroom and leaves his jacket at his desk. Whaaaaat! Fortunately for him he realized it before I made a total scene, which if you know anything about middle-schoolers, they fear embarrassment more than anything. As of now, the jacket is still in his possession. Let's just hope it makes it home today.

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